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Premier article publié dans Makivik Magazine : Les filles des Nunavik Nordiks déjouent les pronostics

English version of this text

Plus tôt cette semaine, j’ai eu l’agréable surprise de trouver dans ma boîte aux lettres une copie du numéro printemps 2012 du magazine publié par la corporation Makivik. Mon bref compte-rendu de la participation de l’équipe midget de hockey féminin du Nunavik au tournoi de Kanata se trouvait en page […]

My first article & photos published in Makivik Magazine: Nunavik Nordiks Girls Beat the Odds

Version française de ce texte

Earlier this week, I had the nice surprise of finding a copy of the Spring 2012 issue of Makivik Magazine in my mailbox. My summary of the participation of the Nunavik Nordiks girl’s midget hockey team in its first-ever all girls hockey tournament appeared on page 65. First time ever […]

Nunavik Nordiks are going back home holding their head high!

The very first tournament in the history of the Nunavik Nordiks’ girls hockey team ended earlier this afternoon when the team faced the Sudbury Her-Icanes in the semi finals. During the whole game, the Nordiks gave headaches to their opponent.

They had their goalie on her butt!

They had their defense and offense players […]

Nunavik Nordiks girls midget hockey team makes it to the semi-finals!

View of the Kanata Recreation Center's arena where the Nordiks played their second game of the tournament.

Once again today, the Nunavik Nordiks girls midget hockey team had the opponent teams’ goalies sweating heavily! At 12:30PM they played against the Kanata 3 team. During this second game of the tournament, they went off […]

Nunavik Nordiks win their first game of the hockey tournament in Ottawa!

Well! What a game! Just as I showed up at the Mattamy Homes arena, with 4 minutes left in the first period, the Nunavik Nordiks scored their first goal. By the time I walked to the other end of the arena, they had scored their second goal. By the time I took my camera gear […]

Nunavik Nordiks Vs Nepean Wildcats – Girls Midget Hockey Friendship Game

Good morning!! As mentionned in last week’s post, last night, the Sensplex was host to a special event: a friendship game between Nunavik’s girls midget hockey team and Nepean’s Wildcats. More than 80 people gathered to watch and cheer for both teams.

The match was somewhat special as the organisers of this friendship game went […]

Joute de hockey à Ottawa – Réservons un accueil des plus mémorable aux filles des Nordiks du Nunavik!

English version of this post.

S’il vous plaît, veuillez marquer le mercredi 21 mars @ 19:15 dans vos agendas! C’est à cet instant précis que les filles de l’équipe de hockey midget du Nunavik sauteront sur la glace du Bell’s Sensplex pour faire face aux Wildcats de Nepean dans un match de l’amitié! Les 16 […]

Upcoming Girls Hockey Friendship Game in Ottawa – Let’s welcome the Nunavik Nordiks in a most memorable way!

Version française de ce texte.

Please mark Wednesday, March 21 @ 7:15PM in your calendars!! At that precise moment the girls midget hockey team from Nunavik will be jumping on the ice of the Bell’s Sensplex to face the Nepean Wildcats in a friendship game!! The 16 young ladies, aged 15 to 18, are […]