Recent Posts / Billets récents
Ullukut! Hello! Bonjour!
On Saturday, March 18, 2017, Ottawa’s Inuit community held its annual spring equinox celebration at the Bronson Centre. Organized by Tungasuvvingat Inuit, an organization that provides social support, cultural activities, counselling and crisis intervention to Ontario’s Inuit population, this event was also meant to celebrate TI’s 30th anniversary. / Le samedi 18 […]
On March 19, 2016, Ottawa’s Inuit community held its annual spring equinox celebration. Organized by Tungasuvvingat Inuit, this year’s theme was Imagine, Inspire, Create and Celebrate. Inuit artists from all regions of Canada were invited to perform. A most successful evening to honour the many successes and inspiring stories of Inuit in Canada.
Here’s […]
(version française de ce billet – comportant une série différentes de photos du spectacle)
On Tuesday, December 1, 2015, the duo Twin Flames launched their first album at the cabaret La Basoche in Gatineau. It was in front of a full house that Chelsey June and Jaaji Uppik interpreted nine of their compositions, a […]
(English version of this blog post – with a different set of images from the show)
Le mardi 1er décembre 2015, avait lieu au cabaret La Basoche de Gatineau le lancement du premier album du duo Twin Flames. C’est devant une salle comble que Chelsey June et Jaaji Uppik ont interprété neuf de leurs […]
Hello all, Last night, the Carleton University Art Gallery hosted a concert and fundraiser for the upcoming exhibit “Walking with our sisters”, a commemorative art installation for the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women of Canada and the USA. Over the last 30 years, in Canada alone, more than 1180 native women of all ages have […]
Hello all / Bonjour à tous,
Earlier today, I had the pleasure of attending the lunch time performances organized by Health Canada to celebrate Aboriginal Awareness Week. Here is a quick photo summary of the event. / Plus tôt aujourd’hui, j’ai eu le plaisir d’assister au spectacle organisé par Santé Canada pour célébrer la Semaine […]
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